Off The Track Thoroughbred mares
Baltimore City Life
Hopeful Politician

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Step In The Right Direction

Today Sasha and I competed at Waredaca August HT. Things didn't end exactly as planned- but I feel that we improved greatly on our previous runs!
In dressage we scored a 37, after putting in a decent test- both preforming the movements and slowing down. I was so happy with her!
We had a foot perfect show jump round (That caused a lot of others some problems!) to add no points on  to our dressage score. Kate and I both felt we had a much more mature round than in the past.
The first half of cross country was awesome and Sasha sailed over all the jumps and combinations. Unfortunately at jump 11, I was alerted to the fact that I had actually forgotten fence 8, so I received a technical elimination. Happens to the best of us I guess!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Success At Fair Hill!

This past weekend at Fair Hill was a success!
Sasha and I warmed up wonderfully for the dressage- but sadly we warmed up for too long so she got a bit tense and went in and did not preform to the best of her ability! We still scored a 43!
We had an awesome clear show jump round! and a clear xc adding five time penalties!
Bonus is that we finished fourth! And second as a junior!
We head to Waredaca this weekend!
Thanks to everyone that came to support us!